Relationships with Dominican Men Survey Results – Part 3

This part will examine the current status of the relationship between the Dominican man and his foreign partner or wife. The status of the relationship Overall, just under half of the respondents to the survey are married to their Dominican man – some 47.2%. Of this figure, 174 are married and together (38.9%) and 37…

Relationships with Dominican Men Survey Results – Part 2

A. Where do the Dominican men who have or who are having a relationship with a foreign woman live? The highest percentage live in Puerto Plata, with 140 and 32.7% which is interesting, as it used to be, but no longer is the tourist capital of the country. That spot is now taken by Punta…

Relationships with Dominican Men Survey Results – Part 1

1. Introduction Many people make assumptions about Dominican men such as “they are all sanky pankies”, “they are only after a visa / your money” and that there are very few successful relationships. I decided to do a survey to find out if this was indeed true, and if there were any common factors in…

When it all goes wrong

How to Spot and Cope with an Abusive Man I receive many messages and emails from foreign ladies who have discovered that their Dominican men are violent and abusive once they are living together. I don’t mean that they are all hitting their wives, but abuse takes many forms. Usually they only become aware of…

Dominican Men in Canada

I am often contacted by ladies whose Dominican husbands are in Canada and they talk about the difficulties their husbands have adjusting culturally to Canada. So rather than write about Dominicans from my perspective I thought why not ask the Dominican men what they liked and disliked about Canada. Thanks to all those who participated….

Residency and Citizenship

I always have lots of requests as to how to go about getting residency. So here we go. Please remember the rules change all the time, and they are different depending on where they are posted.

Divorce in the DR

I get lots of enquiries about divorce and so here is an explanation of divorce in the Dominican Republic, how to do it and how much it costs.

Lindsay Likes….

I travel all over the country and during my travels I find places to stay and eat which are truly amazing. Here are some of my recommendations.